We are an expert and pacesetting team when it comes to innovation and strategic design

Get to know more about us and our experience


Katalina Papic

Katalina Papic

Partner and Director

Juan Felipe López

Juan Felipe López

Partner and CEO

Nicolás Rebolledo

Nicolás Rebolledo

Partner. Director of Strategy and Design.

Beatriz Hasbún

Beatriz Hasbún

Learning Experiences Designer (Lead)

María Garreaud

María Garreaud

Service Designer (Senior)

David Salinas

David Salinas

Creative Technologist

Valentina López

Valentina López

Cultural Policies Consultant

About us

Unit is a global innovation and strategic service design consultancy that imagines futures, forms teams, and activates collaborative innovation ecosystems. We transform organizations that are looking to grow, impact, and create public value.

We design transformation processes that generate changes and concrete impact in organizations

+50 public and private organizations

+170 local governments

+2800 mobilized people

En su singularidad. Es por esto que trabajamos de forma colaborativa, junto a los equipos de empresas e instituciones, en la implementación de los procesos de cambio y en el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos.

We work with organizations, leaders, and teams that are leading agents in processes of change and innovation.

We form part of international networks that are relevant at a global level in the field of service design, strategic design, and public innovation.

We associate and collaborate with outstanding professionals from all over the world, which allows us to tackle each project with a broader perspective.

Let's work together


At Unit, we offer four services that will help you lead the change by promoting new ways of thinking, doing, and imagining your organization’s future.

Explore, imagine, and define courses of action that enable more sustainable futures for your business, organization, and its ecosystem.

See more

En Diseño Público buscamos generar una conversación en torno a la cultura del diseño, la innovación y los negocios. Revisa e inspírate con nuestras últimas historias.


Somos UNIT, compañía registrada en Chile como Diseño de Servicios SpA.

© 2019-2025 Unit